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Media Entertainment's "Top 50 Scariest Public Service Announcements and Public Information Films" (in two parts).LateNightLogoTV's "Top 50 Scariest Public Information Films"."TOP 20: SCARIEST FIRE SAFETY COMMERCIALS"."TOP 10: MOST POWERFUL CHILD ABUSE COMMERCIALS (18+)"."TOP 10: SCARIEST WORK SAFETY COMMERCIALS"."TOP 10: SCARIEST ANIMAL CRUELTY COMMERCIALS"."TOP 40: SCARIEST PSAs - INTERNATIONAL" (also in four parts)."TOP 40: SCARIEST ANTI-SMOKING COMMERCIALS (in four parts)."TOP 50: SCARIEST ANTI-DRUGS PSAs" REDUX."TOP 100: AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND PSAS"."TOP 50: SCARIEST PSAs - AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND"."TOP 50: SCARIEST PUBLIC INFORMATION FILMS - UK" ( REDUX ).Also, discretion is advised - there's some pretty nasty stuff in there. Some of these countdowns have been compiled and uploaded by members of YouTube's community of PIF reviewers and connoisseurs. The truly daring can watch one or more of these countdowns of some of the scariest PSAs and PIFs, which you can find in the folder below. However horrific these little morality tales may be, if they mean that someone doesn't get splattered across the pavement without the aid of CG, they have done their job. When the predictable result happens, it frequently isn't pretty. The other side of the coin is that many of these are simply Brutal Honesty at its finest. Or, in the case of abuse of others, be they men, women, children, or animals, to immediately report wrongdoing and ensure that the wrong-doers face justice stat. Some people indeed believe that Scare 'Em Straight tactics - graphically showing the consequences - are the only way to shock the target audience into following safety rules and regulations at every moment. This is no accident - the idea is to drill into people's heads that one instant of carelessness/inattentiveness/failure to heed basic safety rules and regulations, one thoughtless comment or act of anger, one decision to smoke/drink/use drugs can (and often does) result in lifelong consequences, including severe injury or death and emotional scars that last a lifetime. Russell Brand, on old British government PIFsĪttentive readers may notice that the Nightmare Fuel examples that come from Public Service Announcements and Public Information films vastly outnumber those that come from normal commercials.

Rhythm heaven reporter girl porn